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How can my company celebrate International Women's Day?

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With International Women's Day on 8 March 2021 it's important to have a think about how you and your company will be celebrating.  Here are some ideas that have worked really well for companies in the past and might be things that you haven't considered before and also to bust some myths and obstacles you might come up against when planning your party!

Why celebrate International Women’s Day?

The whole point of IWD is to celebrate all things female.  This includes everything from celebrating women's achievements to raising awareness about gender parity, developing female leadership and supporting those charities and others that work on female focused activities.  

Did you know that It has been going for 110 years since 1911 when the first National Woman's Day (NWD) and gathering happened in the United States.  This was on the back of the 15k women who marched in 1908 through new york city demanding fair pay and equal rights.  Copenhagen followed in 1910 with the first conference for working women. 

The 8th March became a fixed date from 1914 and it was that year women marched from Bow to Trafalgar Square in London.  There is more information on the history of IWD in a comprehensive timeline you can read on the IWD website.  If you are interested in brushing up on your history check it out HERE.

Busting Myths Around International Women’s Day

There are a few myths that surround this special day and I thought this would be a great opportunity to bust them.  And at the same time give you some ammunition if you come up against any obstacles when wanting to mark International Women’s Day at work.

1. Ticked it off the list - job done! 

The first is that if you do one thing on the day then you’ve sorted it for that year. On the whole it's a great start. However Gender Equity is not only a once a year tick box exercise  - please don't think for a moment that if you have organised something to celebrate the women in your organisation then that's it job done.  It is an ongoing process and one which must be considered every day in all areas of the business.  Something that will one day become a default and won't have to be talked about because it will be the norm.

2. It’s only a women’s issue!

The second is that It's only a women's issue - this couldn't be further from the truth.  Male allyship is absolutely crucial and this isn't about men being put on a pedestal and giving special treatment for being an ally. It's about them standing by women, being more than performative allies and supporting them everyday.

3. We don't need a day to celebrate women.

The third myth is that we don't need this day anymore.  Until there is equity for all then we still need awareness days to do exactly that - raise awareness.  People may ask if there is still a need for IWD and of course there is - whilst there is inequality then there is still work to do. 

12 Ways to Celebrate IWD

Here are 12 different, interesting and fun ways that you and your company recognise this day.  I have also taken into account that we are in a global pandemic right now and these things that I will share can all be done virtually!


  • Personally acknowledge and thank female employees; through a personalised note or card to organising internal networking sessions so that they connect with other women in the company - more important than ever right now whilst in lockdown and working remotely.

  • Get social and show your support and solidarity online - give some awesome women a shout out and surprise them or share amazing work that women are doing to make a difference for others.  You can even join the movement and take a selfie with one hand in the air as part of this years theme and tag #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021

  • Review current policies in the organisation - are they fit for purpose or really outdated?  Create a steering group to keep on top of it.

  • Host an online event that celebrates the women in your company and maybe get some to share their stories to inspire others. 

  • Invest in training, workshops and lunch and learn sessions to support women in areas that they feel they need to know more about and this can also include sessions for the men to support them to better support women and be the male allies needed at work - The Harvard Business Review found there is 96% more progress when men are actively involved in gender parity initiatives at work.

  • Support charities that are focused on female activities or female led businesses.  Showcase your support. You could even do something as dramatic as running a marathon or some other challenge that could help you raise awareness and essential funds for these charities. You could do a group challenge through work.

  • Organise a speed mentoring session with different leads / senior managers within your organisation - so that women can access time and pick the brains of those that inspire them and build those important stakeholder relationships. 

  • Create an inclusive video of the women at work asking them what they would ‘choose to challenge’ within the workplace or with the current juggle that they are experiencing.

  • Host an award ceremony recognising and rewarding incredible women for doing their job.

  • Facilitate internal networking events for women to build relationships, share experiences and increase the support for everyone.

  • Share different literature and resources around female empowerment and female leadership that maybe others cannot readily access.

  • And don't forget to recognise the awesome women in your life - a few words of acknowledgement and thanks can go a long way. 


This is definitely not an exhaustive list but gives you some ideas - had this been a previous year I might have included decorate the office or throw a party but unless it’s virtual that won't be an option in 2021.  


This time last year I was grateful to be facilitating a face to face in person ‘Stepping into Self Promotion’ workshop at a housing association to develop their female leaders. The second one was cancelled because of the lockdown at the end of March 2020.  All was not lost, and we got around to hosting it later on in the year as well as a further two group coaching programmes for female development - all virtual and all a massive success.  So there is no excuse not to celebrate International Women’s Day.  


I am super excited that I get to meet a lot more women and men who care about gender equity, through the workshops I am hosting in March for IWD 2021 that connect closely with this years theme #ChooseToChallenge.  


The IWD focused workshops include; 


> Self Promotion is not a Dirty Word; 

> Self Advocacy Builds Self Promotion; 

> The Importance of Visibility for Women’s Career Progression; 

> How to make Networking Work;  

> Stand by Me: Male Allyship in the workplace (one for the men who are committed to supporting their female colleagues and want to do more).


If any of these workshops would benefit your company and its people then get in touch and let’s see how we can make IWD a huge success for your organisation. One that not only impacts your employees through training and personal development, but also builds an ongoing inclusive and diverse culture in the workplace that can only result in more success.


It’s time to choose to challenge the status quo and remember that IWD is a day for everyone to come together to fight for equity for ALL women everywhere! 

How will you play your part?

**Gemma is a self promotion expert and specialises in working with organisations to identify, develop and retain their female talent and encourage senior level progression to close the gender gap. This is through coaching, consultation and workshops. She understands the importance of visibility when it comes to women’s career progression and helps ambitious women find their confidence to own and showcase their expertise.  Host of the ‘No More Hiding: Self Promotion at Work’ podcast - clicking here to listen.

Message her directly to find out more or book a call here. Download your copy of her white paper ‘Visibility At Work: The Importance of Self Promotion for Women's Career Progression here’.**



Am I an introvert and why it matters in business?


So many people say to me “ you don’t need to label people we are all different”. Of course I know this already. Having worked in the public sector in probation, and with young people with different challenging behaviour there can be nothing worse than being labelled and being put into a box that is a one size fits all scenario!

But labelling can also have it’s benefits.

For years I used to think that I didn’t measure up. Questioning myself why couldn’t I be more like ‘her’, love public speaking, oozing confidence, full of charisma, the life and soul of the party?

It’s really important in business that you figure out who you are and get really clear on what you can do, what you think you can’t do and what you really want to do.

People often tell me that people that there is no need for labelling and who cares if you’re introvert or extrovert personality, but of course it does matter as it’s all about who you are and what you like to do and enjoy to do, rather than having to always feel like you’re not good enough because you don’t do things in a certain way and that is often the case for introverts.

Business is about telling others about what you do.

You know business is about the selling, marketing, visibility, putting yourself out there and at the same time all those things can scare the hell out of introverts because it’s doesn’t always appeal to us. However the only reason it scares us is because we associate all these things with being big, loud and in your face. When they really don’t need to be.

I know a lot of introverts that are amazing at selling because they do it in a way that feels good to them. They make real connections with people, build relationships get to know their customers. You just have to find the way that works for you not against you. I’m all about you finding out what your superpowers are and using them to your advantage in your business.

Am I an introvert?

So the traditional way to decide about your personality is to do the old school personality tests. I’m sure you’ve heard of Myers Briggs and other kind of personality questionnaires that you can spend time filling in your preferences and then it will come back and tell you what kind of personality you’ve got and what your strengths and your weaknesses are and all that kind of stuff.

If you’re interested here a few links to some of the personality test that you can take to see what you’re kind of personality is and they can be quite enlightening actually and when you read things about yourself like that makes sense under things start to fall into place for you. Check out Susan Cain’s or Sixteen personalities to start with.

It might also make you realise you know where some areas in your business needs some work. You know you are the expert at what you do for work, however there are always things in business that we avoid because they just don’t feel good are they not aligned with our personality.

So I am an introvert, what now?

Well now is the exciting part you get to look at all the areas of your life and see where your strengths are and how you can play on those strengths and use them to your advantage in business. It is all about looking at the things that you’ve previously decided aren’t for you and maybe to take a new perspective on them. For example a business owner downloaded my free guide on how to network even if you are an introvert and hate talking to strangers. After that she got in touch and told me the impact that had on her networking journey. She had started to regularly attend a local event. She has now spoken at that event and won an award for her business. From telling herself that networking wasn’t her thing to actually finding the right one for her has been a massive game changer!

So why not think of three things and figure out what it is but you need to focus on more in your business to really get the results you’re after. What have you been avoiding and telling yourself it isn’t your thing? Take a new perspective on it - how can you use your strengths to make it work for you?

I couldn’t find a networking event that really worked for me - so I started my own ‘Introverts Talk Biz’ and I haven’t looked back. The feedback has been incredible. One women said it was a like ‘coming home’ and she realised she could actually enjoy networking.

Here are three things you can think about….

  1. Where do your clients come from and are you actually being visible in that area? Just because it doesn’t necessarily float your boat - it might float your clients? Can you make it work?

  2. Figure out what makes business fun for you? It’s all about enjoying what you do - so take stock of your business model - does it actually serve you?

  3. Make sure you factor time in your diary to re-energise. If you’re pushing yourself out of your comfort zone by going to networking events, showing up online etc you need to factor in some time alone to get your energy back. If you don’t do this you and keep pushing without time for yourself you start to become exhausted and feel negative towards your work, which could reinforce that you shouldn’t be doing the things you doing, when actually a lot of good and positive things can come from it.

When people tell you that it doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert, extrovert or someone in between, it actually really does matter and it really matters to your business and the success you want. Don’t hold back from trying different things - it might just be that you need to do things in your own way!

So maybe it’s about time you figured out what this means to you and how you can use it to your advantage. Figure out what your true strengths are and have some fun in business, it doesn’t have to be stressful and yes it will be hard work, but building a business is a rollercoaster so why not find the fun in everything you are doing instead of feeling scared or avoiding it.

Figuring out that you’re an introvert in business can be the best thing that ever happened. Let me know how you get on.

**Gemma Stow works with female entrepreneurs who are introverts and are ready to take themselves and their business to the next level.  To find their fierce and take that all important action.  As well as private coaching, she runs a membership called Club Fierce that gives that personal touch to women who are looking for support, accountability and an environment that breeds self belief and results.  More info HERE. Or book in a chat with her if you are looking to increase your confidence in different areas and find your inner fierce **



But introverts don't do business do they?

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This was actually said to me today whilst I was chatting to somebody about being featured in the Yorkshire Post about my new face to face events for female introverts in business. 


"But introverts don't do business do they, aren't they too quiet?"

Wow.  I was pretty stunned as this came from a business owner I respect, but who obviously didn't have a clue about what introversion even means.  The next comment was indeed "so can men be introverted?'.  Oh dear.


It feels like there is a long way to go to educate people on what introversion actually is all about.  

The day before I was told that introverts are the worst listeners because they are too busy listening to themselves.  WTF.  Listening is my superpower and is what makes me a great coach to hear others on a different level, and not only hear the words, but also hear what lies beneath them as well.  It takes the concept of listening to another level.

But as I push forward on my mission to prove female introverts need to stop hiding because they have more than enough to be amazing at making real differences to others lives, I will definitely be up against more misconceptions for sure!  I mean I get told time and time again that I can't be an introvert because of my presence on social media.  Say what?


So I wanted to start by saying that introverts do business and do it really well. 

And if you still need convincing you only need to look at the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett and what about the ladies... Rosa Parks, JK Rowling, Emma Watson and Marissa Mayer.

It is also important to understand why you should get to know your own personality traits and how empowering that can be.  Lots of people tell me not to label as they are not useful.  I have spent most of my career trying my best not to label others and put them into boxes - however something happens when your own level of self awareness increases - you get your power back.

You start to recognise your strengths and skills that you just took for granted because you've always had them, they are a part of you. 

And actually these should be explored, developed and celebrated.  


I am not naive to think there isn't a darker side. 

Getting to know yourself means you could fall into the trap of using your introverted personality as an excuse not to do all the things that feel uncomfortable to you or zap all of your energy.  When actually to build your business you need to consider how you will make it work for you.  After all business is about identifying the things you think you can't and doing them anyway.

I know this from first hand experience of pushing my team to do the things I didn't want to do.  Things like selling, presenting, networking, making new connections, making phone calls, pitching, promoting and all that stuff, you get the picture. 


But I learnt quite quickly that nobody can sell my business like I can. 

I have the passion and that can't be replicated.  And you can't be either.

For too long business has been focused on the more extrovert personalities - and we have all been led to believe that this is what makes a business successful and that we have to be more 'extroverted' to win.  So much so, that it often puts off introverts from starting a business in the first place.


These are outdated, misleading conclusions derived from personality tests produced decades ago. 

I have experienced that the opposite is quite often more of a truer picture.  That introverts can use their super powers to be amazing at selling, presenting and promoting themselves and their business.  To avoid the fluffy crap that is often associated with pushy or cheesy sales, or drawn out boring presentations, and actually make real business connections in networking that will go somewhere.

So the next time you hear that introverts are too quiet or shy to be good at business, or even if you are telling yourself that - please remind them (and you) that in your face, intense energy, loud voices, small talk and big ego's don't always win the race. 

You have all you need to start and that's the most important part.


Never underestimate the power of an introvert's silence. 

It doesn't indicate nothing is happening.  It indicates everything is happening. 

And you can't even see it, yet.



**Gemma Stow works with female entrepreneurs who are introverts and are ready to take themselves and their business to the next level.  To find their fierce and take that all important action.  As well as private coaching, she runs a membership called Club Fierce that gives that personal touch to women who are looking for support, accountability and an environment that breeds self belief and results.  More info HERE. **



Should I start my own business?


It is probably one of the biggest questions you could ask yourself  'Should I start my own business?' because it truly can be life changing.

You start to have that type of niggiling feeling.  Seeing others you know who are taking the leap to quit their jobs and start to work for themselves.  From what you know and have heard it is hard work but in return you get freedom and flexibility to work when and where you want.  To decide your own working hours. 

But on the other side, the dark side, you have been told that it takes over your life.  That to have any kind of success you have to live and breathe your business, you have to sacrifice the things you love the most such as time with your family and work double the amount of hours you would in your full time employment.

And there's the perks you leave behind - the paid holidays, sick days, guaranteed salary, stability and financial security.

Now this last part really gets me going.  That as business owners we are not seen to have a secure income, yet if you work for someone else you are.  That person you work for also needs to make sure they pay your wages and their own.  So actually having more control over what you can potentially earn, seems to me to be more secure than working for someone else when you think about it?

But how do you know if it's the right time to start a business?

The first thing to do is to find out what you are really passionate about, because without passion it is really hard to keep your motivation high on those days when it can be really tough.

The four questions you can ask yourself are:

  • "Why do I want to work for myself?".  Explore your values around this and what is your key driving force?  Family, flexibility, potential to earn more income, freedom to work in different places, make a difference and an impact on others..... what is your driver?


  • "What am I really passionate about?".  What are the things you could talk all night about and not get bored (you might bore others but who cares because you love it).


  • "What are my strengths, skills and experience that I can bring to a business?".  Think about what work you have done really well before.  What do you love about work and how can your skills help you with a business opportunity?


  • "What problem can I help to solve?".  What problem can you see in the area that you are passionate about, a gap in the market, or feel you can do something way better than it's being done now - explore that further.


When you have answers to these four things then you know you are on your way to creating something amazing.  This is when the "What if's" will kick in and that fear of failure.  What if it all goes wrong, what if is a complete flop and I don't have what it takes.


Having confidence and self belief is the cornerstone to a successful business. 

Yes it's important to get your branding, marketing and positioning right - but these things aren't to be used as excuses for not getting yourself out there and just starting.  Telling people about your plans , sharing your excitement and making new connections is the best way to get your business off to a flying start - the other stuff will then fall into place so don't hide behind the fact that you don't have a webiste yet.

Don't waste a shed load of time, money and energy on all of this stuff when you are still figuring it all out.  Trust me once you start you will grow and evolve and so will your business.  Even business names change, so make it easy on yourself and don't feel immense pressure to get everything perfect - it doesn't exist and you will get yourself in a right tizz worrying about that!

Don't let the start stop you - you can do this and will realise that, just as soon as you decide to go for it!



**Gemma Stow works with female entrepreneurs who are introverts and are ready to take themselves and their business to the next level.  To find their fierce and take that all important action.  As well as private coaching, she runs a membership called Club Fierce that gives that personal touch to women who are looking for support, accountability and an environment that breeds self belief and results.  More info HERE. **

